Mannasse & Schiller Block 187
MANNASSE & SCHILLER BLOCK 187.tif.Dl.oV\i~.J.0(., Lots 19-24 incl.- Pennit to Harker Development Corp., owner, & Texaco, Inc., lessee, to construct gasoline service station observing all yard and setback requirements but eliminat- ing required 51 high solid fence dividing commercial and adj residential zoned property (See C-6752), where 5 1 high solid fence along residential property is.required, at 740 Crosby Street, NE corner Kearney Ave. & Crosby St., Zone C-lA, condl. Case No. 6860 12/28/64 Lots 19-24- ACIREENEM' If 1357- 1Tif6::-5-o_n_A_BO_VE______________________ 1J7J05--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 19-24- Permit to Harker Devlopment Corp, own & Texaco, Inc., lessee to construct gasoline service station on parcel with signs & floodl.ight poles in required 10' planting strip as follows: l floodlight poltLon Crosby St.; l floodlight pole on Kearney Ave.; one floodlight pole with 6 1 in diameter signs attached at intersection of Crosby St. & Kearney Ave. & l 6 1 x 40' modular sign, bottom of sign 50' above ground, projecting across planting strip to property line on Kearney Ave. where no structures are permitted in or over req 10' planting strip at 740 Crosby St., C-lA Zone, c-6752 10-16-64 Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Eli Lenyoun and Bula Mae Lenyoun, Owners and Calvary Baptist Cnurcn, purcn to develop prop for use as a parking,lot to serve exist cnurcn located at 719 Crosby St in tne R-4 Zone, wnere residential uA only is perm, at Crosby St betw Julian and Kearny Avenues. Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-11327 7-7-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------