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Development Services

Mannasse & Schiller Block 302 Card 1

MANNASSE & SCHILLER BLOCK 302 CARD 1.tif MANASSE & SCHILLE~ BLOCK 302 Lot 15- Permit to Anthony M. & Eugenia JESSE, DENIED by ZA, to construct 13 1 X 16 1 bedroom addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 16 1-611 rear yard where 20' is required, at 3112 James Street, Zone R-1--5. CASE NO. 16340 10-18-79 Lot 3- AGREEMENT with Lisa Mc Nulty to construct a bedroom addition with full bath to an existing SFD, with external access located at 3128 James St. in the Rl-5000 zone. A-4501 12-28-89