Mannasse & Schiller Subd. Block 180 Card 1
MANNASSE & SCHILLER SUBD. BLOCK 180 CARD 1.tif \-.., ' ". ".,. '.,,,... " '.. MAJ.ASSEE & SCHILLER IS Stm. Card #1 i < ' Lots 21 & 22- Condl permit to H. Shriebman to conduct a junk yard or business, defling in rags, paper & batteries, at 1684 Logan Ave. on said lots. (See res. for details). Res. 3131 5-5-48 Lots 21 & 22- Condl permit to David Scllreibman to bale newspapers & magazines within exist bldg on front of said property at 1684 Logan Ave. (See res. for details). Res. 3482 10-13-li.8 Lots 21 & 22- Condl permit to David Scbreibman to oper salvage bus in conj witb Lots 23 & 24, 1684 Logan Ave. Res. 6232 3-11-52 Lots 23 & 24- Condl permit to David Scbreibman to bld & oper bldg on SWly 65 1 ot Lots 23 & 24 Bly cor Logan Ave. & Sigsbee St. Res. 6233 3-11-52 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to Lester & Margit Loeser to erect 8 1 corrugated galv metal fence to enc area being added to exist auto wreck yd, 1600 Logan Ave. Res. 6303 3-19-52 Lots 9-14- Permit to Edvard A. Breitbard, own of Balloon Dye Works & Lester & Margit Loeser, pur to oper wrecking yd on Lot 14 adj M-2 lots & const 8 1 corr. iron,i'ence around entire prop, NE cor 17th & Logan Ave. Res. 611-66 5-l~-52----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Res. 6647 7-23-52