Mannasse & Schiller Subd. Block 180 Card 2
MANNASSE & SCHILLER SUBD. BLOCK 180 CARD 2.tif MANASEE & SCHILLER'S SUB BLOCK 180 ' ~ CARD# 2 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Jeanne Alston, Owner and Lester and Margit Loeser, purcn, to erect 81,i'ence on lots to be used as wrecking yard at Logan Ave.Jj: of 1 7tn. Res. 6648 i-23-52 SWly 65 1 of Lots 23 & 24, all 21 & 22- Res No. 6232 & 6233 = Scnriebman at 1600 Logan Ave. Res 6795-6796 ext 6 mo for David and Jean 9-17-52 Swly Lots 23 & 24 & all 21 & 22- Permit to Dave & Jean Scnreibman, Owners and Geo. Cnerlir lessee to operate scrap and salvage yd and sales at 1684 Logan Ave. Zone M-1. Cond'l. Res 9413 2-15-56 SWly of Lots 23,24 and all of Lots 21-22- Permit DENIED to Dave Scnreibman to operate scrap and salvage yd and sales at 1684 Logan Ave. Zone M-1. C-3507 8-19-60 APPEALED and Z.A. decision sustained; appellant given 90 days to terminate operation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------