Mannasse & Schiller Subd Block 277
MANNASSE & SCHILLER SUBD BLOCK 277.tif ~t, 1 permission granted to F.A. F;:ues to alter store bldg. to living qtrs. on \ Lots 23-24(NEly 74 1), Elk. 227, 1:d 628 Crosby St. with sidey:~.rd 3 1;rear yard 10 1; lot cov~rage 56. 551:. V':l_riance to or''.. 8924, Sec. Ba, gr2.nted by Res. No. 73928 on Aoril 22 1941. Lots land 2- Permit to May Mc Lauchlan to build & operate a Machine Shop 20 1x 36 1 at the rear of 1802 Julian St.w.bject to certain conditions:Bea. No. 1522 5/9/46 Lots 45-4g- Permit to S.D.Unified School Dist. to erect warehouse & shop tor school aaintenance, S or Commercial St, on 22nd. Res. No, 4049 tt-10-4;9 Lota 6 & 7 & W 10 1 ef S- Pel'llit to O L & Lucille lobiaaon to ereot duplex on rear of lot___ w!,th, 11_8!:_C.!,S.!)?e!.!:.!!,n_f,0,!!t_o!!_o!,,_l!~ ~i!,1i_j,ve!.__ ~,1._l,2.._625.9.__ 6=,~.5,2_ Lots 6 & 6 & W 10 1 of 8, Amend Res 6559 to erect triplex on rear of lot, on condition that 4 paved off-st. parking spaces are provided. C.L. & Luc. Robinson.------------------------------- Res_6J4~--_8:20-;i2----- Lots 23 & 24- S.D. Land & Town Co. 1 s Addn & Mannasse & Schiller- Permit to Clara Landgrave (exc. SWly 66') to erect addn to non-conf store bldg, to have 31 rear yd ft_62% covera,-e, at 628 Crosby St. s,-11- 7 Res. No. 8453 & 8454 9-1-54.I'+' y----------------------------------------------.:.----------Lots 39 thru 44- Request DENIED Willame O. Carroll, owner &: Aztec Transp. Co., purch to c onst a 30 1 x 140 1 truck terminal bldg with 20 of office in front&: 120' roofed loadir platform wnich is open.on both sides, with 0 1 SB & 10' rearyd where 13' SB & 15 1 rearyd is req & mult.dwell, & limited Dr. offices are perm, at 1829 Irving Ave., Zone R-4, \"-,. ~..-te.?'M.!.:-~A.AP...a_:?..diMCL-f~_,1t_.,r~~Z--1'l1:'ta:____ ~~~~-~~:-~!~~:~~-~-~~~2-2:~~:~2 /1-9-~2-