Mar View Villa
MAR VIEW VILLA.tif MARR VIEW VILLA Lot 1- Pennit to Raymond H. & Leona Marr to const 20' x 20' gar with 9' rear yd (25' req) & 5' side yd (9'6" req) at 3527 Silvergate Pl., R-lC. c-484 5-28-56--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Robt J. & Marilyn Platt to add to & alter exist sin fam res & carport exist carport convert to liv rm, obs 5' sideyd (7' req) & maint exist 8 1 x 16 1 lanai obs 10' rear yd (25' req) 3537 Silvergate PL, Zone R-lC. R J ttS}? 2f /(, C-2755 8-21-59--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- ZA considered request of W. MICHAEL & JANm' ASHER to maintain (1) an existing carport structure observing an ll'-11" front setback where 25'-0" has been established; (2) said existing carport structure observing a 3'-2" east, side yard (eave observing 1'-6" east side yard at the closest point) where 6'-0" is required; (3) existing, maximum 9'-10" high, solid fence within the west side yard, where a maximum 9'-0" high fence is pennitted within the 6'-0" required side yard, provided that the top 3'-0" is 50% open in ca-rpliance with design criteria; (4) an existing 7 '-2" high, solid gate within the east, side yard, where a 7'-2" high gate is pennitted within the 6'-0." required side yard, provided that'd:bed:q:> 1l 1-i2":.'..iss550%q_:> pen;;.inccaiplianoe~:de$~ criteria; (5) an existing, approximately 51 sq. ft. greenhouse observing a 1'-7" east, side yard where 6'-0" is required; and (6) an existing, approximately 16 sq. ft., 4'-4" high, trash enclosure observing a 0'-0" front setback where 25'-0" has been established at 3537 Silvergate Place, Zone Rl-1.0000; and has DENIED as requested items no. 1, 2, ana 6; and APPROVED items no. 3, 4, 5, subject to conditions. C 20521 0_8/23/90-- ===--