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Marcellena Tract Card 1

MARCELLENA TRACT CARD 1.tif MARCELLENA TRACT CARD#! Lot 9- The N- 150 1 of the E-150 1- Cond 1 l permit to Robley Veal!, owner, and Phi Lanbda XI Alumni Assn to constr a college fraternity house, said parcel to be served by a 70 1 wide easement to Hardy Ave. Res#2841 2-11-48 Lot 9- The W-100 1 of the E-250' of N-150 1- Permit to Robley Veal I, owner, and Calif. Delta Alumni of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Inc., Ltd., pur., to constr. fraternity house, to be served by an easement 70 1 in width to Hardy Ave. Res#3255 6-30-48 Par Lot 4- Permit to Hotel Kingsway Oper. Co, to,.constr res & use as model home & Sales office & erect 3 1x4 1 sign on bldg & 3 1x4 1 post sign badton SB I ine, on Montezuma Rd., 400' W of 55th St., R-1 (to be known as Lot 1, College Knolls), Cond'l C-549 6-25-56 Par. Lots 10 & II- Permit to Herman Miller to constr 22 unit apart bldg with balcony obs 11 1 SB (main bldg obs req. 15' SB), on Monte!Zuma Rd. W. of Campani;le Dr., R-4, Cond'l C-1122 4-15-57 Par. Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Herman Miller to constr apart bldg with 11'6" rear yrd for living quarters, & 13'6" rear yrd of garage, the 12' access to be covered by 2nd s~ry of bldg of.Montezuma Rd., W. of Capanile Dr., R-2, Cond'I c-1123 9-20-57---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------