Marilou Park Block 19 Card 1
MARILOU PARK BLOCK 19 CARD 1.tif MARILOU PARK BLOCK 19 Lots l & 2- Permit to Ttlomas A. Miller (Miller Mortgage Co.) to maint exist sin fam res wnich obs 61 SB on Parrot st. (10 1 SB req by CC Res.) 1579 Parrot st., betw Cedar & Hazel St., Zone R-2. c-3946 3~24-61-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 9- 16- Permit DENIED for grading and excavation. HRP #175 (Posted 8-5-80)_ fJO"tS 9 ~ 16 (Also Portion of Lot JO, Lt 36, and Portion of Lot 35)- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to MIDTOWN MINI STORAGE LTD. to provide living quarters in portion of one building for use by a watchman to serve proposed mini warehouse facility, at 3804- 3814 Cedar Street, Zone M-1B. {HR). Conditions. CUP 17610 4-23-82