Marilou Park Block 20 Card 1
MARILOU PARK BLOCK 20 CARD 1.tif MARILOU PARK BLOCK 20 CARD #1 Lots l- 36- Permit DENIED for grading and excavation. HRP #175 (Posted 8-5-80) Lots l- 36- Permit to PATCOM DEVELOPMENT, INC. & MARIETTA L. KOENIG, as joint tenants and DELTA TERMINAL, INC., owners; KATHAL CORP., purchaser- to erect approx 315' of 6 1 hi fence and provide 2 parking spaces; fence obs O' FY where 10' is reqd & Parking spaces obs 3' & 6 1 where 10' is reqd, at 38th St, north of Cedar St., Zone R-1B. C-17308 7/24/81 Portion- Permit GRANTED to KATHAL CORPORATION, a California Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a PID located north of Cedar Street and east of 38th Street, Zone R-1-5/HR and M-1B. PIO #40-015-0 11-25-81 (SEE ALSO Portion of Lot 1, Home Avenue Industrial Center, and Portion of Lot 10, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands of San Diego) Portion of Lot 10, Lot 36, and Portion of Lot 35- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MIDTOWN MINI STORAGE LTD. to provide living quarters in portion of one building for use by a watchman to serve proposed mini warehouse facility, at 3804-3814 Cedar Street, Zone M-1B (HR). Conditions. (~ ~ '\-\l. 1 ~\oc.k. \C\ oF- CUP 17610 4-23-82 mAA~ lo 0 <:p~k)