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Development Services

Marine View Block 1 Card 1

MARINE VIEW BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif t1ARINE VIEW Block l ~ Card #1 Lot 6- Suspension of R-2 (Ord 12988) to allow Service Station, Ibis & Sutter NE DENIED to Emory M. Garber, 4/30/34. Lot 10- Suspension of $-2, 733 to allow Apt. above Gargge with rear yd of 2' DENIED to Richard Barthelmess. (Minutes 3/5/36) Lots 8-9- Permit to Henri G. Berthiaume, 1128 Sutter, to operate Rooming House with 5 guests (subject to 6 standard conditions) Res. 76174 2/10/42. Lot 2- Operation of a Boarding & Lodging House for 12 persons is DENIED to Liggett & Stelzer, and O.P. Jordon, 1010 Sutter St. operator, Res, 76451 3/17/42 Lot 7 (S 70') convert por. of operating meat market to grocery store and Lot 6 (S 70')of W 40 1) erection of stge shed, 1110 Sutter St A.J. $ V. J. McCartney Res. 984 6/27/45 S. 70' of W 40' of Lot 6- DENIED permission to A.J. McCartney to constr duplex with JO' setback from Sutter St on NW cor Intersection Sutter & Ibis Sts. Zone R-2. Res. 5081 11/1/50 Lot 6- Permit to A.J. McCartney to constr duplex with 10' rear yd, one unit to be over two-car garage, on S 70' of W 40' at NW cor of intersection of Sutter & Ibis Sts. Re~. 5123 11/15/50 S-70~~~f~W~40~-~f~~;;~6~:~6 mos. ext from exp. date of Res 5123 dated 1 l /15/5~ g~anted---- t~ A.J: McCartney Res 5511 5/ /5