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Development Services

Marine View Block 1 Card 3

MARINE VIEW BLOCK 1 CARD 3.tif ---..--~---~.,---- ~..-- M4RlNE-YIEW BLOCK l l-Y CAR[)# 3 Lot ~ 70' of lot 7 and the 1 70 1 of the W 40 1 of Lot 6- A. J. McQlrthney and 1r. J. McQlrthy to coJ1Vert a por of an existing meat market into a grocery store and const a storage shed on property and have qpplied for a ZONE "~RIANCE under Petition # 2869, D,ted June 5, 1945 AMENDMENT #364 6/27 / 45 Lot 7, CUP was approved by the City Manager, SUT'rnk STREET MARKET and ROBERT HANI MANSOUR Owner andlermittee sought a permit to sell alcoholic beverages, beer and wine, at a legal non-conforming food market, identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and location at 1110-1112 Sutter Street, Rl-5000 Zone 99-0370 8-4-99