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Development Services

Marine View Block 2 Card 5

MARINE VIEW BLOCK 2 CARD 5.tif MARINE VIEW BLOCK 2.: Card 115 Lot 32- ZA APPROVED subject to conditions request of WAYNE AND TONI KANAKARIS to maintain a ground-mounted satellite antenna (1) within the in:erior side yard; and (2) reaching a max height of 23'-o" where 15'-0" is the maximum height permitted w/o a Satellite Antenna Permit, at 1130 West Brookes Avenue, Map 1182, Rl-5000 zone. C-20123 11-16-89 ~ots 31 & 32 Division- ZA DENIED request of THOMAS G. MULLANEY to maintain a tr_ellis, currently. in. violation, observing a O'-0" front setback 'at the closest point where 5 '-0" is established, located at 3617 Jackdaw Street, Rl-5000 and Rl-20000Zones, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-20810 8-16-91 Lot 13, Yard Variance was approved by City Manager, ROBERT & KELLE WRIGHT, OWNERS/ PERMITTEES sought a variance for 1) a 3-foot 3-inch side yard, for the expansion of an existing single family residence, and 2) to maintain a 3-foot high picket fence within the front yard and visibility area of the driveway; described as, and identified by size, dimension, quantity, type and location on the approved Exhibits "A" at 1139 Sutter Street, Rl-20,000 Zone. 99-0462 9-8-99----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------