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Marine View Terrace

MARINE VIEW TERRACE.tif f MARINE VIEW TERRACE)- I Lot 14- Z.A. considered AMENDED app of A. G. & Jacqueline DeRyckere (1) to erect 3 1311 solid fence on top of exist 5 1 high ret wall on N side of prop; (2) to erect one 6 1 high ret wall on rear prop line whth a 51 high solid fence on top thereof; (3) to erect one 6 1 high ret wall, 26 1 from rear prop line with 3 1 high solid fence on top thereof, where 3 1 high open fence on top of ret wall is perm, at 1986 Magdalene Wa:y, betw Orten St. & Gardena Ave., Zone R-1-5, and has the following decision: (l} APPROVED; (2) DENIED as requested, but AP.. PROVED erection of 6 1 high ret wall on rear prop line, and APPROVED erection of a 51 high solid fence, 4 1 from rear prop line;(~} APPROVED; ALL Cond 1l. Case No. 8901 10-10-68------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12_ AGREEMENT to Chester & Mildred Parsons to add bar sink to new reereation room, 1966 Magdeline Way. Zone R-1-5, AGREE# 1845 4-11-73 Lot 8- The z.A. has considered the request of Ralph and Eula CUllllllings to maintain 17 1 x 24 1 patio addition to existing sin fam dwelling; patio addition resulted in 44~ coverage where maximum 40~ is permitted; at 1931 Galveston Street between Orten and Ashton Sts, Zone R-l-5 and has DENIED 44~ coverage as requested, but APPROVED 4o.5~ coverage- Cond 1l. C-l2,26o 10-5-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------