Mark Ii Industrial Park Card 2
MARK II INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD 2.tif HARK II INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD #2 Lot 2- Permit GRANTED to MDC MARK II, a joint venture, owner, and SCRIPPS-MIRAMAR CAR WASH, INC., permittee, to construct and operate a car wash, self service gas sales, retail 1 sales, and automobile service facilities located on the north side of Miramar Road between BI ack Mountain Road and Kearny Vi l I a Road, Zone M-1 B. CUP 10-616-0 4-7-81 Lot 36- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to MDC-MARK II CORPORATION, owner; MIRA MESA TOWN COUNCIL, applicant, to erect one 4 1 X 8 1, 7 1 high corrmunity identification sign for "Mira Mesa", located at 9499 Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-1B. Conditions. CUP 17671 6-11-82 Lots 37 and 42- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MDC-MARK II to construct a two-story, mini- warehouse facility with manager 1 s apartment on the second floor of building D where a manager's unit is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only,.at 9780 and 9799 Candida Street, Zone M-1-B. Conditions. CUP 17809 11-5-82 Lot 34- ZA APPROVED request of MDC MARK 11, owner; SCRIPPS MESA FOURSQUARE CHURCH, lessee to use a portion of an industrial bldg. as a church where such use is permitted by Condit- ional Use Permit only at 9545 Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-1B, with conds C-18977 11/15/85----------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------