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Development Services

Mark Ii Industrial Park Card 3

MARK II INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD 3.tif MARK II INDUSTRIAL PARK- CARD #3 Lots 14 thru 18- NOC MARK II (CORP.) to erect a 3'-0" x 15''.""7 single faced.rronument (electric) sign to observe a 0'-0" front yard where 25'-0" is required located at 9474 & 9524 Kearny Villa Road, Zone M-1B. C-19432 Map #9310 12/19/86 DECISION: DENIED Lot 31- CC has OVERTURNED the dicision of the ZA & BZA in GRANTING the request of MDC- MARK II,OWNER;CHAPEL OF THE ROCK, LESSEE to construct a chruch and K-8 grade school on a vacant lot by CUP only, at the NORTHWEST corner of Candida Street and Via Pasar, Map 9310, M-lB zone, w/cond. C-19703 11/13/87 Lot 5- Variance request cancelled- an amendment to the City Wide Sign Ord. Sec. 101.1112 Jan. 11, 1988 by 0-17005 NS will allow Sign Permit Services to issue a permit for this sign. There will be no refund to the applicant, Grandee Group, SD Mark II Properties, 9699 Tierra Grande, MlB zone. C-19539 6-1-89