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Development Services

Market St. Knolls Card 1

MARKET ST. KNOLLS CARD 1.tif MARKET STREET KNOLLS Nly. JOO' Lot 6- Permit to Wallace 8. & Cecelia Ruiz Bell to const bldg for tile business, S side Market St., betwn 45th & 47th St., Cond'l Res#7053 12-24-52 Lot 4- Permit to Willard C. & Naomi L. Schade, owners, & Robert Hertel, lessee, to oper wholesale and retail bakery, 8 emp., & use 20'x30' bldg for storage, said bldg to be moved to new loc in R-2 section, at 4641 Market St., Cond'I Lot 2- Permit to De. Raphael E. Tisdale to use on S side Market St., 450' ltl.of 47th, C. & R-2, Q-944 1-4-57 por of off-str Cond' I c-1760 parking in connec with clinic 4-4-58 Lot 2- Por.- Permit to Dr. Raphael E. & Heloise Tisdale to use R-2 por. of lot for off-str parking in connec with medical clinic in C Zone, E of 4617 Market St., Cond'I C-2236 1-13-59 Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Willard C. & Naomi L. Schade, own; & Dennis W. Moody, purch., to oper catering service with 50 panel type ljght delivery trucks and 60 employees, incl. drivers; elec equtl,p- 3- h.p. in "C" zone por & to use R-2 por for parking; amended to incl. 40'x40' addn to the bldg at 4641 Market St., betwn 45th & 47th Sts., Zones C & R-2 c-4124 6-15-61 6-6-66- 5 yr. ext. to 6-30-71- 5 yr. ext to 12-30-71 (New Conditions) Ext. time to exp. 6-30-76 (6-10-7l)Ext of ti~-- 5 yr to 6-30-81 (6-22-76)-. - ,..-----------~------~--~-------------------