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Development Services

Marmil Terrace Card 1

MARMIL TERRACE CARD 1.tif;1A:IL TERRACE Si~ti ~-s--; CARO #,, Parcel A- Permit to Robert A.: Marjorie M. '.'1:iles to erect & rraintain@ for a period not to exceed or8 (1) year,;::,ost mour:.ted sin[.le faced, un- lighted, 3 1 x 24 1 directio:-ial sign for Marm:l Terrace, a r:ew subd., on Tor:.awanda Dr, Ely of Reo Dr., Zone R-1, condl. 7-25-63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 19 & 24- Permit to R.A. & M. Miles to erect & maintain for a reriod not to e:Kceed one yr. 5 1 high chain link fence obs 0 1 SB from both sts where max 3 1 high fence is perm in es- tablished 15 1 SB; fmce to be remved when sale of homes in new subdv is accomplished, South intersection of Mt. Miguel Dr. & Marm:i.1 Ave., Zcne R-1, condl. Case No. 5947 B-27-63-------------------------------------- Parcel "A" & Lots 27,32,50,57,59,69- Pennit to R.A. & M. Miles to const eight direct 2 1 x 3 1 signs- one on ea lot back of SB to be maintained for a period not to exceed 1 yr, advert homes for sale in new subd, on Marmi.1 Ave., Marm:i.1 Way & Chad'1ck Ave., Zone R-1, condl. Case 5946 B-27-63 /-----------------------------------------------------------Lots 19 thru 24- Permit to R.A. & M. Miles to const & maintain for period not to exceed 1 yr, one sing fam res on ea lot to be used as model oones, with sales off in gar of Lot 21 one 6 sq. ft. ID sign on ea lot; one 64 sq. ft. sign on p.l. of Lots 21 & 22, obs 0 1 SB & one 3 1 sq. ft. sign:!in window of sales off, all in comec with sale of new homes, where rrax 8 sq. ft. sign & sing fam res only is perm, S end of Mt. Miguel Dr. & Marinil Ave., Zone R-1, condl. Case No, 5945 B-27-63 J