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Development Services

Marston Hills Card 6

MARSTON HILLS CARD 6.tif MARSTON HILLS CARD NO. Portion of Lot 21- ZA considered the variance request of Michael B. Tice and DENIED Items No. 2 and 3 but APPROVED Items No. 1 and 4 to construct a three-story, single- family dwelling (1) observing a 5'-0" front yard where 15'-0" is required; (2) observing a building height of 38 ft. where 30 ft. is the maximum permitted; (3) observing 0.65 floor area ratio where 0.60 is the maximum permitted; and (4) including a maximum 9'-0" high, driveway/walkway bridge, with 3'-0" high open railing on top, within the front yard (portion within the public right-of-way, where a 3'-0" high bridge with 3'-0" high open railing on top is the maximum height permitted within the 15'-0" required front yard on the west side of the 3500 block of Richmond Street, between Brookes Terrace and Myrtle Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. Conditions. C-20661 10/04/90