Mckinley Knolls
MCKINLEY KNOLLS.tif--'"'.-.-...,,.,-,,, ~ <:-~=-...--- "'t-lcic:m'IEY K'.Noits ~.,,__,..,,....._.,_.___........,..,,.___ --,,-..-~- 00'1~ ~ Lot 2- permit to Grace B. & John E. Barbey, Jr. to erect approximately 65 1 of solid cedar fence on top of existing blk wall varying in ht from l' to 4 1 ahere a 3' g> en fence on top 'of 6 1 wall is perm- at 1520 El Camino del Teatro betw Muirlands DR. & La. Jolla Scenic Dr. R-1-20 Zone. Cond'l. C-7984 (NH) 12-16-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly 20' Par A & all Par C, D.P. 2:/9 of Por Lots 1 & 2-Permit to John E. & Grace Bull Barbey 'to erect 10& hi chain link fence cnlosing paddle tennis court in rear;yd where 6 is perm. at 1520 El Camino Del Teatro, Nely of Muirlands Dr. Zone R-1-20, condl C-90.32 N.H. 12-11-68