Medina Terrace Block 4
MEDINA TERRACE BLOCK 4.tif MEDINA TERRACE BLOCK 4.......... --Lot l- Permit to M.0. Medina & Robert C. Gordon to canst sin fam res with 10 1 SB, SWly cor Hill & Tarento Dr. Res.#7997 1-15-54 Lot l- Permit to M.0. Medina & Robert C. Gordon to const res & att gar with 9' rear yd & 5' side;/d, SWly cor Hill & Tarento Dr. Res,#7998 1-15-54 Lot 8- Permit to Sherman A. & Bernice A. Thornsberry to const 6 1 fence on top of retain wall varying from 5' to 2' at 944 Tarento Dr. Case#l76 10-11-54