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Development Services

Mesa Hills #1 Card 2

MESA HILLS #1 CARD 2.tif MESA HU.LS NO, 1 0O2.5'i3-00.s L2.!-17.2.I Card # 2 q Lot 92,93,94,95, and 96 Cameron Bros. Construction Co. to const sin fam res to be used for model homes (and as sales office on Lot 92) with signs indicating said sales office and designating type of home. Case 665,667,668,669,670. AGREEMENT #888 September 6, 1956 Lot 12 Conii~l permit to Roger & Eileen Claeps to maintain exist patio att with direct access thereto; patio obs 17 1- l" rearyd where 20 1 is req. at to sing fam res 7940 Canary wa,y 6/15/62 Ely of Meadow Lark Dr., R-1 Zone. Case #4970 Lot 14 Cond 11 permit to BlanCh4rd & lois with direct access thereto; patio obs 15 1 of Meadow t'.ark Dr. R-1 Zone Pierce to maintqin exist patio- 11 11 rdaryd where 20 1 is req, Case #4970 att to sing fam res at 7960 Way, Ely 6/15/62 Lot 15 Permit to David P. & Virginia G. Meyers to maintain bedrm & living rm addn to sing fam dwell obs 18 1- 3" rearyd where 20 1 is req, at 7970 Canary Way, R-1 Case #4959 6/15/62 Lot A- Permit to CITY OF SAN DIEGC, owner & CHAPEL OF THE N.f!.'W JERU~, proposed purchaser to const church plant on premises (including one sign) as per plans on file, at 7901 Canary Way at the SE ~or of.its intersection with Meadow Lark Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. c.u.P. Case No. 8172 8-4-b7 Lot 55- AGREEMENT to Gerald and Kathleen Alono to convert an exist1ng garage to ramliy_____ room and bathroom with outside access and interior access to the living room. Located at 2626 Pheasant Drive, Zone Rl_5--z,iit