Metro Court Tract #1 Card 2
METRO COURT TRACT #1 CARD 2.tif METRO COURT TRACT ti I .3!:'.> CARD#2 Lot 7- Permit to Star Realty to erect 6'x12' double-faced inter lighted plastic revolving sign with 6 1 star on top; height to top of star 32'; post to encroach 9'; edge of sign to encroach 15' into estab 25' SB on Convoy St., at 4433 Convoy St, M-IA Zone c-7555 1-27-66 Lot 7- Permit to Star Realty to add two new posts and two new lighted 5'6"x6' double-faced panels to exist sign perm by SB variance C-7555; (I) One new post to obs 10' SB; (2) One new post to obs 22' SB; (3) Edge of one panel to obs 10' SB; (4) Edge of one panel to obs 15' SB; all on Convoy St., betwn Balboa Ave. & Armour St., M-lA Zone, Cond'l C-8295 9-7-67 Lot 6- Union Oil Co. to add 2-pump island W/canopy to exist serv sta, canopy to obs 13' SB on Convoy St. where 25' SB is estab; at 7807 Balboa Ave, SE cor at Convoy St, M-IA Zone; DENIED 13' SB, APPROVED 18' SB, per revised plans, c-8684 6-11-68 Lot 5- Permit to Henry Weedn to const approx 30'x50' industrial bldg obs 3' sideyd on W'l prop line where an 8 1 side yd is req; at 7815 Balboa Ave, betwn Convoy St., & Kearny Mesa Rd. M-lA Zone Cond'I C-8852 9-11-68 Lot 2- Permit to Metro Court Corp to const SO' x 140' lndus~rial bldg obs O' sideyd on east prop line where 8 1 req, 7853 Balboa Ave, M-IA zone, cond'l. C-9678 1-23-70 /See landscape L-650