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Development Services

Metro Court Tract #2 Card 2

METRO COURT TRACT #2 CARD 2.tif. METRO COURT TRACT#2 (i> 60$7 'l "f-00 s.2.~~-\"72-\....38 Card 2 Lot 12- Permit to NIELSEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY to construct a 60 1 x 120 1 auto parts store building obs. 0 1 interior side yard on east property line where 8 1 Is required, at Armour St. betw Convoy St and Kearny Mesa Rd. Zone M-lA. Cond 1 l C-10660 8-5-71 Lots 8- 10- Permit DENIED to Star Realty to (1) maintain 32 sq, ft. illiminated m ground sign on wheels in addition to other.. \llOn-conforming sigJaS are not permitted; and (2) observe O' setback where 25 1 has been established and no encroachment is pennitted in required landscape strip, 4425 Convoy Street, Space F, between Balboa Avenue and Armour Street, zone M-lA, ~ c-12,782 9-10-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- 11-.-f-'74 1 Lots 13, 14 & 15- ZA APPROVED request as AMENDED of Dick F. Chase, Jr., owner; Commonwealth recycling Corporation, lessee, to construct a 3,600 sq. ft. addition to an existing industrial building; addition to observe a 0 1-011 interior side yard where 8 1-0" is required; request was amended at pub 1 i c hearing to de 1 ete the addition observing a 0'-0" interior side yard where 8 1-011 is required and AMEND to in- clude variance to enclose the north end of the structure which is now open. Condition. Located at 7844 Armour Street, Zone M-lA. C-)8556 9/9/84