Metropolitan Industrial Park #1
METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIAL PARK #1.tif Metropolitan Industrial Park #1 Lot 1- Condi Approval to Security Title Ins. Co., Trustee (Trust No. P.T. 1091), Owner, & San Diego Blueprint Co., Lessee, to constr bldg complying w/all yds but to reserve only 19,688 sq ft of lot for park, driveways, etc, where 23,305 sq ft req, & to increase land- scaping on Engineer Rd side to 25 1 & 16 1 on Ruffner St side where only 10 1 req in back of prop line adj to public sts ROW;- Lot 1, Metropolitan Industrial Park #1, Map #7339, 4698-4672 Ruffner St at SW corner intersection w/Engineer Rd, Zone M-IA.-----------~---------------------------lN~Ji~l-------~~~:-~~:-~~~~~----------~~=~~=Z~---------Parcel 2, P:M. #5261, Portion of Lots 4- 6- permit APPROVED by A2A to George R. Kennedy, Inc. and Carrol I G Davis to construct a four-story office bui I ding to observe 9'711 Interior side yard where 9 191' is required and 8 1211 side yard on Ruffner Street where 9 19" is required, at 7490 Opportunity Road, Zone M-lA. Conditions. C-16936 NH 8-29-80