Middletow Block 38
MIDDLETOW BLOCK 38.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 38 73 Lot 13 Corp.- Store & nat Bldg, to PL on Columbia St- Granted American Bldg, & Invest. Res. 46363 7-16-28 Lots 10-11- Exe E 50'- Permit to G. Giacalone to make $1500 repairs on exist res; 4 1 rear yd & 4 1 betw houses; 522 W. Date. Res. 4312 11-30-49 SEly 3' of Lot 4, All Lots 5 & 6- Agreement #502- Blanche I. Collins- add one living unit to exist duplex. 11-19-47 Lot 7 & 8- Permit to Robert L. & Vinetta M. Daniel for perm to const a 4-unit apartment bldg., balconies to obs 121 front yard, where 15' is req, and to provide 120 sq. ft. of' landacaping, where 200 sq. ft. is res, at 1820 Linwood St. between Mis*ion Hills Blvd. and Pringle St.- Cond11. C-12,291 N.H. 11-21-73-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------