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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 26

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 26.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 26 CIOQ.WC.,.S Lots 21- 24- Condl. Permit to Geo. M. & M. Bidwell to constr maids' quarters over garage w/kitchen, 2 kitchens on lot, corner Linwood & Henry Sts. Res. 4328 12-14-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----- Lots 21- 24- AGREEMENT to ANTHONY L. WEAVER to remodel existing dwelling and installing a bar sink in first floor family room, at 1955 Linwood Street, Zone R-1-5. Lots 7,8, & 9- ZA GRANTED request of ASH LESSEE TO OPERATE automobile impound yard Ext. of time to 3/1/87 AGREEMENT #2622 12-9-80 STREET ENTERPRISES, owner & MISSION GARAGE, at 506 W. Beech St., Zoned C, subj to cond. C-7739 1/25/82