Middletown Addn Block 35 Card 3
MIDDLETOWN ADDN BLOCK 35 CARD 3.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 35 CARD 113 Lots 17, 18, 19 & 20- ZA DENIED Variance request of JONATHAN AND DONNA JEAN LIPPITT to construct a detached, three-car garage with workshop above (1) observing a 1' front yard where a 15' front yard is required; (2) eaves on said garage and workshop observing a O'-O" front yard and extending into the public right-of-way where eaves are permitted to project a max. of 4' from the building wall into the 15' ~equired front yard; (3) to provide a driveway 34' in width within the 15' required front yard where 25' is maximum driveway width permitted; and (4) to construct a 6' high chain link gate where a maximum 6' high fence is permitted provided the top 3' is 50% open and complies with design criteria, located at 1975 Guy Street, C-20869 11/22/91 Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20- AGREEMENT with Jonathan and Donna J, Lippit to add a rumpas room to rear of home with access to the pool area and rear yard (two separate exits). Interior access via stairs from kitchen area, Rumpas room to include bar sink and pantry for freezer and refrigerator, located at 1975 Guy, Rl-5000 Zone,-----------------------------~~~~~~!_t_~5_2_5_8______________ 02/_20~/_9_2____