Middletown Addn. Block 40
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 40.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 40-NE 1ly Lots J., 2, & 3- (C-7341)- Permit to Edward P. Mitchell to const sing fam res & gar w/dwell encro 5' & gar encro 15 1 into req 15 1 SB & (C-7351) to const dwell resulting in approx 55% coverage where max of 50% coverage is permitted at 3611 Keating St. betw Guy & Linwood Sts., Zone R-4, Cond'l. Cases No. 7341 & 7351 9-22-65----------------------------------------------------_______________..._________ Lots 13,14,15,16- Permit to Mary McWreath, owner, Michael M. Ambrose, purchaser, to constr 8-unit, 2-story apt bldg obs 5' front yd, 0' st side yd & 5' rear yd (15' front, 10' st side & 10' rear req) in 1700 blk Guy St betw Keating & Washington, Zone R-4, Cond c-~66 12/1/,61----------------------------------.----------------------------------------~---------------- , i.. ii.-..