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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 46

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 46.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 46-~ Lots 10, 11 & 12- Permit to Italo & Jeroma Vattuone to constr garage w/apt above, making 2 living-units, NE corner Crowell & Guy Sts, R-1, Condl. Res. 9301 11-23-55 Lots 10, 11 & 12- Permit to Italo & Jeroma Vattuone to constr garage w/apt above (granted by Res. 9301 ABOVE) to obs 10' rear yd (20' req), at 1554 Guy St, R-1. Res. 9370 1-18-56 Lots 18, 19 & 20- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Grayson to erect 15' of 5' hi solid blk retaining wall w/5' hi grapestake fence on top encr 15' into req 15' SB, 1523 Puterbaugh St betw Fremont & Crowell Sts, Zones R-4 & R-1-5; Condl. Case 7644 3-29-66 Lot 22- AGREEMENT to Bruce D. Hay to maintain a bar sink in art studio, at 1515 Puterbaugh Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2585 8-13-80 Lot 21 22 23 24- Agreement with Bill Boeken to replace a window with a door providing exterior access to an existing basement recreation room with full bathroom and interior access leading to dining room, located at 1515 Puterbaugh St., zone Rl-5000---------------------------------------------------,___,;t <...._.....