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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 48

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 48.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 48 l/111 Lots 1 & 2- Ord. 12178 suspended to allow garage to sidewalk line on Guy & Andrews Sts (SW) granted Mrs. E. Strapko. Res. 50383 6-10-29 Lot 21- W 15' of Lot 22 (12321) suspended to allow 2-story dwell to front line on Puterbaugh St; granted Pack & Peterman. Res. 53010 2-10-30 Lots 23 & 24 & E 10' Lot 22- Conell permit to Helene R. Mintz to conduct buy & sell antique & used furn bus at res at 3674 Wellborn St. Res. 8170 5-12-54------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 10, 11 & 12- Permit to John & Shirley M. Worobec to constr 4-unit apt w/0' SB on Guy St & 12' SB on Wellborn St. Res. 6336 4-2-52 Lots 17- 20- Permit to Susie McPherson & Mildred Janet Peck to remodel interior of nonconforming 3-unit dwell into 4-unit dwell w/new addnl stairs obs 3' front yd where 15' req; present bldg obs 10' front yd & exist stairs not obs 0' front yd where 15' req; & in addn to 1 exist parking space, to provide 2 addnl spaces for total of 3 off-st parking spaces; all parking spaces (1 single garage & 2 open spaces) to be located 12'6" from curb & 0' from PL where min of 18 1 from curb & 3' from PL req, at 1673 Puterbaugh St betw Winder & Andrews Sts; Zone R-4; Conell. Case 8388 ll-1-67