Middletown Addn. Block 50 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 50 CARD 1.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 50. CARD #1- Lots 17- 18- To operate one duplex & garages (Ord. 12990)- Granted to Marie E. Brenner, 1643 Myrtle Ave. Res. 69257 5-2-39------------------------------------------------~---_,..----------------------------------- Lots 9- 12- Permit to Ray L. Huffman, Purchaser, & Roscoe P. & Isabel Tompkins, Owners, to constr 9-unit apt bldg obs 0' st side yd along Keating where 10' req; NEly corner Guy & Keating Sts, Zone R-4. Case 6872 12-29-64 1 yr ext to exp 6-28-66 (7-9-65) 1 yr ext to exp 6-28-67 (5-6-66)-------------------------------------------------.--------------------7------------------- Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12- Ray L. Huffman, Owner, & Bob Barrymore, Purchaser (ABOVE Case No. 6872) req perm to AMEND yard variance Case 6872 to perm constr of 4 single fam dwells on Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12 w/2 dwells obs 0' st side yd on Keating St (10' req) NEly corner Guy & Keating Sts, Zone R-4; ZA TABLED req w/plans appr using 50' x 100' parcels w/0' on Keating; no variance necessary. Case 6872 5-31-67 Lots 6, 7 & 8- Permit to Arthur C. Cox & Iris Harrison to const a three-story, five-unit apt bldg to: (1) obs a 4' side yard on each side; (2) obs a 15' rear yard with a vehicle ramp ranging in height from 3' to 6 1 1774 Guy Street. Zone R-3. Conditions. C-14968. 3-30-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------