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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 50 Card 2

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 50 CARD 2.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION CARD #2 ~ Por. Lots 21 to 24- ZA APPROVED request of CONSTANTINE (DINO) GOUGOULAS to construct BLOCK 50 ooo;.111,-S a three-story duplex to observe (Ila 4-'0" street side yard where 10'-0" is required and (2) a 15'-0" rear yard where 18'-0" is required; and A'PROVED subject to.conditions the 5'-0" side yard where 7'-0" is required; at 3676 Keating Street. MR-1500 zone, Mid-City Communities Planned District, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Map 384. C-20509 3-9-90