Middletown Addn. Block 69 Lot 23 & 24
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 69 LOT 23 & 24.tif MIDDLE.'IavN ADD1=TIOO Lots 23 and 24- Agreerrent with Miles Grant to construct a second story addition to. existinh single-family harw; said addition to consist of master bedroan, full bathroom, walkin closet, and a game roam with a bar sink. No exterior access at 1600 'Ibrrance Street, Zoned Rl-5000. Agree #4751 9/10/90 Par. of vacated Fraront Street between Blocks 68 & 69, and par. of adjacent vacated Torrance Street- ZA DENIED as requested but APPIDVED Item 1 as nodified, Item 2 with architectural projection observing a min. 6'-9" FY, Item 3 with the architectural projection observing 3'-6" west SY, Item 4 with the architectural projection observing 3'-6" east SY of the request by MILES D. GRANT to maintain (1) an existing second-story addition to a single-family dwelling resulting in a building height of 34'-0" where 30'-0" is the max. pennitted; (2) said addition observing an 8'-3" FY with first-story architectural projection observing a S'-11" FY at the closest point, where 15'-0" is required; (3) said existing first-story, architectural projection observing a 2'-5" west side yard where 4'-0" is required; and (4) said architectural projection observing a 2'-7" east side yard where 4'-0" is required, located at 1600 'Ibrrance Street, Rl-5000 zone. w/conditions. C-20696 1/18/91 SEE CARD #2