Middletown Addn. Block 81 Card 3
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 81 CARD 3.tif MmDLmCMN ADDITION1Map- BLOCK 81 Lots 13,14 and Wly 101 of 15- The Asst Z.A. has eonsidered the request of Anthoey and Rosalie D'Acquisto to constr a 161611 x 211 bedroom and bath addn to existing sin fam dwell; addn toGobs a 131 6" rear yrd,where 201 is req, at 3825 Wellborn Street, at the southeast cor of Wellborn and Sutter Sta, Zone R-l-5 and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 161 rear yard subj to Conditions. c-12,174 9-10-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 16,17,& 18 & all of Lot 15 except the northwesterly 10 1 there of- TABLED, 1437 Sutter St. C-19953 6/20/88 Por Lot 15, & all of Lots 16,17,&18- ZA APPROVED request of GREG VASIC & ALMA ROSA VASIC to constr. an entry way addn. to an existing single-family dwelling observing a 5' front yd. where 15' is required; to maintain 15' of 7'1" high wall where a maximum 3' solid wall 3' of 50% open on top is permitted within the required front yard (with awning observing a 2'6" front yard at 1437 Sutter St., Rl-5OOO zone with conds. C-2OO53 9/16/88 Lot 16, 17, 18 and par. lot 15- AGREEMENT with Greg and Alma Vasic to expand an existing bedrocm to include an exercise roan and full bath and laundry roan. Exterior access to the rear yard and pool area at 1437 Sutter Street, Zone Rl-5000. "" Agreerrent #A-49!0 2-28-91