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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Block 83

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 83.tif MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 83 NE Lots 8 & 9 & NE 50' Lots 10, 11, 12- Permit to Jack P. & Helen M. Corrao to remodel kitchen, add fam rm, bedrm & -bath to exist single fa.m res which obs O' side yd; also arch on NE side obs 0' side yd (4 req); 3856 Wellborn St; Zone R-1. Case 3040 l-15-6o-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 8,9,10,11 and 12- Permit DENIED to Jack P, and Helen Corrao to convert exist. garage (garage obs. O' side yard) of sin. fam. dwell. into ext. of living-room; conv. to result in no parking for exist. dwell. where one space for each sin. fam. dwell. is req. and where 4 1 side yard is req. At 3856 Wellborn St. betwn. Sutter and Bush Sts. Zoae R-1-5 C-11849 4-4-73 Appeal to!bard GRANTED and the decision of the Z,A. be, and hereby is, overruled and the appellant's appeal is sustained C-11,849 5-2-73 Lots 22, 23 & 24, Yard Variance, approved with conditions by ZA, WILLIAM & LOIS EDWARDS to maintain existing single family dwelling at 3870 Wellborn St, Rl-5000 zone C-21187 6-10-94