Middletown Addn. Block 88 Card 3
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 88 CARD 3.tif ' Lots 20 & 2l.- Permit to R. E. Maurer to constr. single fam res. w/J.' side yd on So side/ of Pringle St near Andrews. Re,$. 781.9 l.0-J.4-53 V--------------------------------------------------------------~-----~------------------- Lots 20 & 2l.- Permit to R. E, Maurer to constr si,~e fam re~ '~~) setback;.so., side Pringl.e near Andrews.-. Res. 7820 , l.0-J.4-53 ',. V '.--------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------Lots 1- 4, and Portion of Lots i3 and 14- Permit was considered by ZA to DALE ST. DENIS to construct a two-story, single-family dwel 1 ing: (1) garage with deck to 't observe a 0 1-011 street side yard where 10'-0" is required; (2) walking deck ranging in height from 0'-0" to 9'-6" to,observe a 0 1-011 street side yard where maximum 3 1-0" deck is permitted in the requirep 10'-0" street side yard; and (3) building to result in a height of 32 1-011 where maximum 30'-0" is permitted, located at 3919 Pringle Street,),, Zone R-1-5. t ~ DECISIONr DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (1) garage with deck to observe i:> 1-:()' 1 street walking deck ranging in height from0'-0" to Conditions. \ construction of single-family dwelling; side yard where 10 1-011 is required; (2) 9 1-611, to observe 0 1-0" street side yard. C-18323 2-10-84 Por. Lots 1- 4- ZA APPROVED request of DALE ST. DENIS, owner; ARTHUR PORRAS, purchaser to constr a SFD with attached garage & attached deck; l) garage to obs a O' front yd setback on Pringle St. where a 15' setbackis reqd & 2) deck to obs a 4 1 street side yd ~etback on Tupper St. Where a 10' setback is.teqd I oc~ted at the NE corner of Pring 1 e St. & Tupper St. Zone R-1-5, conditions. ~-t~..,,,. C-18455 6/8/84 ~