Middletown Addn. Block 91
MIDDLETOWN ADDN. BLOCK 91.tif:a: MIDDLETOWN ADDITION BLOCK 91..3 Lots 10, ll, 24- DENIED Otto",Jaeger,, 535 fute St,' lwell w/10' SB at Sublett & Andrews STs. 1 ' 2-8-34-------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------- Lots 6 & 7- Permit to Howard Gibson, Owner, & Thomas B. Robertson, Purchaser, to constr r~s w/SB varying from 5' to 7}', Pringle St NWly of Andrews St. Res. 3364 8-18-48--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lots 6 & 7- Fermi t to Wm & Lucille Schutte to constr det garage below grade of exist single fam dwell obs O' Sij, from Pringle St & 6" distance from dwell; & to erect 4' to 6' hi ret wall obs O' SB ext~dini along Wly PL where 3 ', hi open type fence is perm (Res. 3364) & 5' SB & 3' distan~ betw bldgs is req; 3950 Pringle St, Zone R-1. Case 5318 11-27-62 ' ',..,___' I ',._