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Development Services

Middletown Addn. Map 384 Block 69

MIDDLETOWN ADDN. MAP 384 BLOCK 69.tif MI D'DLETOWN ADO IT I ON I Map No. 384 .. Lots 3 & 4- ZA considered the Amended request of CHARLES B. EPLEY & DEL W. TAUB- To comp 1 ete a 2-car garage addn. under cons true ti on: 1) to observe a 6 '411 front yard where 15 1 is reqd.; 2) to result in.616 floor area ratio, where a max. of,60 is permitted at 1636 Torrance St., Zone Rl-5000; & has DENIED, as requested, but APPROVED 2 off-street parking spaces observing a 7'4" front yard where a 15' front yard is reqd, with conds. C-19160 4/18/86 APPEALED to BZA on 5/21/86- BZA GRANTS appeal & OVERTURNS & MODIFIES decision of the ZA to APPROVE 1) a garage observing a 14' front yard where 15' is reqd,, & 2) to result in.6.6 floor area ratio where a maximum~.60 is permitted with conds, Lots 11 & 12- AGREEMENT with Donald K. Mears and Sharren L. Boyer to construct a master bedroom and bathroom addition with outside access to an existing one-story, single- family dwelling at 1604 Torrance Street, Zone Rl-5000. Agree, #3565 10/21/86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------