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Development Services

Middletown Block 115 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 115 CARD 1.tif MIDDLtTOWN BLOCK 115 ._or Lot 5 and all of Lot 6- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to Virginia L. & Nancy J. Stuart to construct two 9' x 24 1 second~story room additions; each addition to be above existing first story nonconforming garages, now observing 3 1 front yard and addition also to observe 31 front yard where 15 1 is required, at 3005-23 Columbia St., between Quince and Redwood Streets, zone R-4. Condition. Case 12331 12-18-73 Lots 7 & 8- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to Michael J. & Victoria M. Phillips to erect approximately 100 1 of 5 1 high open fence to observe a 0 1 front yard at the closest point where a 3~ high fence is the maximum pennitted in a required 15 1 front yard, at 3018 State St., zone R-2-A. Conditions. Case 16724NH 4-8-80 Lots 11 and 12- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ROGER HEDGECOCK to construct 83 1-011 of 6 1-011 high wrought iron open fence observing a 5 1-611 setback where a 3 1-011 high fence is permitted in the 15 1-0" front setback; and to construct 34 1-0" of 6 1-0" high wrought iron open fence observing a 2 1-~ setback where a 3 1-011 high fence is permitted closer than so-~ to the front property 1 ine within the 10 1-011 street side yard, located at 3042 State Street., Zone R-1500. Conditions. C- 18306 NH 12-28-83 Lot 1- WITHDRAWN by applicant, at 1295 Redwood Street. C-19720 6/2/88