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Middletown Block 129 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 129 CARD 1.tif MIDDLm'OWN BLOCK 129 Card #i Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Linden W. Church, Owner, & Mrs. J.E. Rand, Purchaser, to erect 6 apt units, SW corner Columbia & Sassafras. Res. 2132 3-27-47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1, 8 & 9- Permit to E. A. Brelin to constr por of store bldg on said lots for sale of drugs & sundries & in compliance w/regulations covering prop in adj "C" Zone, most Wly corner Columbia & Spruce Sts; por of bldg to be constr in adj 11C11 Zone lots. Res. 3387 8-25-48 S 4o' Lot 8, All Lot 1, & 10' Clsg along Spruce St- Fermi t to M. Hall Co., Owner, & Henry Dobbs, Purchaser, to constr 30' x 30' bldg for radiator service & repair in R-4, used in connec w/C Zone; Nly side Spruce, 100' Ely of India; Condl. Res. 7328 4-15-53 Nly 10' Lot 5 & All Lot 4; Nly 10' Lot 8 & All Lot 9- Permit to E. A. & Emily M. Brelin, Owners, & Wilbur A. Thomas, Purchaser, to erect bldg 38' x 100' for elec motor repair; "C" & R-4 Zones; 3244 Columbia; Condl. Res. 7639 8-5-53 S 4o' Lots 5 & 8, All of Lots 6 & 7, & 10' of Spruce St closed adj- Permit to G. s. Parsons Co. to constr covered ramp addn to bldg; 32ll India St; Zones "C" & R-4; Condl. Case 881 12-3-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 11- Permit to Joaquin & Vera Medina to W side Columbia St, approx 50' S of Sassafras (6 mos. Ext to Exp 12-10-59) constr 4-unit apt bldg obs all yd req; St, Zone R-2; Condl. Case 2141 12-10-58