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Development Services

Middletown Block 134

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 134.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 134 Lot 9- Residence set back 3' from PL on Columbia St; Granted Ralph G. Miller. Lot 7 &fO' of Lot 8- Gladys I. R nd. Res. 56c> 73 3-16-31 2 addnl apt units to make total of 8-units; Zone R-2; Granted Res. 72161 9-3-4o Lot 10- Permit to Mrs. Margaret L. Stewart, 3344 Columbia St, to operate boarding & lodging house for 4 guests; Condl.. Res. 76238 2-17-42 Lot 10- Mrs. Margaret Stewart to convert bldg from boarding & lodging house back to single fam dwell. Agreement 165 2-20-42 Lot 4- Mrs. L.A. Greengrass to construct 15' x 26 1 office addn to exist office structure on lot (total 800 sq. ft.) & provide 1 parking space where 2 are required for 800 sq. ft. of gross floor area, at 3325 India Street, Zone C-1-S. c-13832 10-15-76