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Middletown Block 135 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 135 CARD 1.tif MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 135 Lots 5 & 6- Apt house on PL of Columbia & Sassafras; Granted W. MacDonald, Res. 50545 6-24-29 Lot 5- Duplex Res setback 3~ from PL on Columbia St; Granted Wm. E, McDonald. Res. 6o239 6-5-33 N 35' of E 50' of Lot 11 & E 50' of Lot 12- Permit to Corinne E, Christenberry to erect res w/0' setback on State St & 15' setback on Thorn St; SW corner. Res. 2733 12-17-47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N 35' of E 50' of Lot 11 and E 50' of Lot 12- Permit to Etienne & Phyllis E. Dormoy to constr single fam res w/no setback on State St, but 15' setback on Thorn St. Res. 3337 8-11-48 Lot 9 & So 10' of Lot 10- Permit to Doublas C. & Faith A. Hoag to have full R-2 usage on parcel w/6o 1 frontage on State St. s-367 4-24-56 V (6 mos. Ext.- 11-20-56) N 40' of Lot 10 & S 15' of Lot 11- Permit to Garrett L. Prible to have full R-2 usage on parcel w/55' fronting on State St. S-368 4-30-56 Lot 9 & So 10' of Lot 10- Condl permit to Douglas C, & Faith A. Hoag to constr res w/0' setback where 15' is req; W side of State St betw Thorn & Sassafras; Zone R-2. Case 479 5-28-56 I./-----~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------