Middletown Block 141 Card 1
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 141 CARD 1.tif MIDDI.En?OWN BLOCK 141 Lot 7 thru 12 & Por of Thorn St closed- Permit to Florence Chambers, Owner, & Carmel So Corp, Purchaser, to,c.onstr 42 unit apt bldg, obs 10' setback; outer edge of balconies obs 5' setback; 10' Wide elevator shaft obs 0' setback from Columbia St, & retain walls as shown on plans, betw Thorn St & Upas St, where 15' setback is req; Zone R-4; Condl. Case 4679 1-25-62 Lots l-6- Lots 1-12- Z.A. permit to HAWLEY & HOLMES, ETN. I NC. to (1) erect approx 785' of concrete retaining wall ranging in ht fr 8 1 to 33' obs a 5' front yd, 0 1 rear yd,0 1 rear yd, O' street side yd, O' interior side yd where a max 3' high ret wall is perm in a 15' front yd and 10' st side yd and a6 1 high wall is perm in a 4 1 interior side yd and a 15' rear yd on Lots 7-12; (2) erect approx 117 1 of concrete ret wal 1 ranging in ht fr 8 1 to 33' obs aO' front yd and a O' rear yd where a max 10' wall is perm on Lots 1-6-Lots 1-12 & por Thorn St closed, at 1300 Blk Upas St betw India and Columbia Sts, Zones C & R-4. P <:f&1~ $J 'f! /o-3-z