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Development Services

Middletown Block 148 Card 1

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 148 CARD 1.tif MIDDLETOWN CARD #1'7 Lots 6 & 7 & 30' Upas St closd adj- Fermi t to L. C Kohlepp to replace exist gar with 20' x 30' garage w/1' side yd; 3509 Columbia St. Res. 6898 10-15-52 Lot 9- Permit to Sanford Borenstein to con,t a three-story, three-bedrm unit on same lot as exs sfd. Addn to I) obs at clst pt a 0 1 front yard on State Street; 2) obs a 4' int side yard; 3) provide 116 sq. ft. of landscaping; 4) to res in 48% coverage; 5) provide access to req parking via 9 1 wide easement on Lot 4 (Columbia Street) Nk~xu&aaa; 6) to const a 185 sq. ft. bedroom addn to exs sfd to obs a 3' int side yard. 3521 Columbia Street. R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-14952. 3-31-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------Lots 2 & 3- Permit APPROVED the amended request by ZA to JOHN H. WATERS & DENNIS R. CLARK to construct a three-story duplex with garage and sundeck on each lot; garages with sundeck above to (1) observe 5' front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) building to observe 4 1 interior side yard where 7 1 is required; (3) building to result is.69 Floor Area Ratio where maximum.66 is permitted; and (5) permit 9 1 high wall observing O' rear yard, at 3523 and 3535 Columbia Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. c-17376 10-2-81