Middletown Block 149
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 149.tif MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 149 OOO~l-lfo- S I Lot 5- Private garage- setback O'; Granted W. B. Stonerock. Res. 53014 2-10-30 Nly 40' Lot 6- Permit to I. D. Boucher, Owner, & H. M. Hancks, Purchaser, to erect res 10' setback to front of balcony, E side of State St, 40 1 No of Upas. Res. 4063 8-10-49--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~---------- Lot 6 & Por Upas St clad adj corner Upas & State Sts; R-2.- Permit to Maurice Bernardini to constr 4 units; NEly Res. 8688 1-5-55 ~"-,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit DENIED by ZA to K. BERNARDINI, owner, and GORDON RAYNER, lessee, to maintain a business of rebuilding telescopes and binoculars in a residential location within the constraints of the Home Occupation Permit EXCEPT: (l) to utilize the garage for shop and storage, eliminating required off-street parking; and (2) utilizing chemicals and solvents incompatible with characteristics of a residential zone, at 3509 State Street, Zone R-2. H. 0. #17706 BZA- DENIED and decision of the ZA sustained. 4-1-81 1/6/81