Middletown Block 152
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 152.tif MIDDLEI'OWN Lots 11 & 12 Erb.- Apts & Residences 5' from PL on Union St; Granted S. M. Straus & H.F. Res. 67748 6-21-38-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W 50' Lot 1, W 50' of No 15' Lot 2- Res 5' from PL on State St; Granted Frank Brack. Res. 69328 5-16-39-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 11 & 12- NE 50' S. M. Straus.- Res & garage setback 5' on Union St &.15 1 on Walnut Ave; Granted Res.70178 10-24-39 So 35' Lot 2 & No 15' Lot 3- Res 5' from PL on State St; Granted Joseph Eckstein. Res. 70205 10-31-39 Lot 3 exc NWly 15'.:. NWly 15' Lot 4- Permit to Merle E. & Ruth Davis to constr 2-story duplex, NEly side Glenwood Dr betw Vine & Walnut; Condl. Res. 8o13 2-3-54-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 11 & 12- Michael W. Monahan to (1) constr 12' x 16 1 liv rm addn to exist nonconform sing fam dwel; addn obs 5' front yd where 15' req (house presently obs 10 1611 front yd); (2) erect 20' of 3' hi wall w/4' hi solid fence on top (overall height 7') obs 0' front yd where max 3' hi fence or wall is perm in req 15' front yd~ atl511 Glenwood Dr, Zone R-3. C-13949 11-10-76