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Development Services

Middletown Block 187

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 187.tif MIDDLErOWN BLOCK 187 Lot 8- Build a pie-shop to PL on Calif. St.; Granted E.W. Case. Res. 50798 7-15-29 Permit to R. E. Luscomb, 2749- 20th St, to erect & operate 2 addnl auto court units. Res. 72866 12-10-40 NWly 50' Lot 7- Pennit DENIED Esther J. wi1ton (Dotts) to convert 2nd flr of single fam res into 2nd living unit; approx l' side yd; 3844 Calif. Res. 496o 9-6-50 NWly 50' Lot 7- Appeal of Esther J. Wilton (Dotts) sustained & ZC decision overruled, Res. 496() dated 9-6-50 perm conversion 2nd flr single fam res to 2nd living unit & add ext stairway; approx l' side yd on NWly 50' Lot 7; 3844 Calif. St.; Zone M-1. Res. 99630 9-28-50