Middletown Block 189 Card 2
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 189 CARD 2.tif .'.-,-"1:.,,,... "--- ~----. '-. MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 189 Fractional Lots 7- JI inclusive- Permit APPROVED by ZA to HILLSIDE COLONY, a California Limit,,Partnership, to construct three three-story buildings (30 condominium units) with garden windows to (1) observe 9 1 street side yard on Titus Street where 10' is required; (2) building and windows to observe a 13 1 811 front yard at closest point on McKee Street where 15' is required; (3) building and architectural projections to observe 5 1 811 interior yard at closest point where 7' is required for a three-story building; (4) 6 1 high fences to observe O' street side yard where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in required 10' street side yard; (5) to provide l,979 sq. ft. of landscaping in street side yard on Titus Street where entire street side yard or 3,723 sq. ft. is required, at 1802-1804-1806 McKee Street, Zone R-3. Conditions. C-17103 NH 3-18-81 Lot 5- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Planned Residential Development Permit to Salvatore A. Dalfio, an individual, owner/permittee, to construct a Planned Residential Development located at 3821 Kettner Blvd. between Pringle and Keating Streets, R-1000 zone. PRD//87-0956 4-22-88 Lot 6, Variance denied by ZA, LYNNETTE MC NUTT & CECIL MC NUT, JR. souc;ht to maintain, currently in violation, 1) a maximum 16' high deck observirg a o' street side yard whe,re 8' is required; 2) said deck observing a O' rear yard where 15' is required; 3) resulting in a 435 sq. ft. street yard where 1500 sq. ft. is the minimum required; and 4) resulting in 50.33% of lot coverage where 35%/is the maximum permitted- the southwesterly 40' of lot 6, 10' street closure of Kettner Blvd. and McKee St at 3803 Kettner Bl, ~R-l500 zone C-21382 8-7-96