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Development Services

Middletown Block 191

MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 191.tif MIDDI.m'OWN BLOCK 191 Lots 1 thru 12 & Por W 10' of Kettner Blvd adj to Lots 7 thru 12- Permit to operate custom bUilt cabinet shop; 3873 Calif; Condl, Res. 6964 11-12-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1-12- Permit to W. N. Stafford to alter & convert recreation hall. to 6 units & convert & alter exist laundry to 3 units, making total of 58 motel units & mgr's apt; 3873 Calif. Res. 7300 4-1-53 Lots 1-12 & Por of W 10' Kettner Blvd- 2 yr ext to W, N, Stafford estate & E. F. Scribner, Lessee to operate cabinet shop; 3873 Calif. St; Conell. Res. 8411 8-4-54------L----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1-12 & Por W 10' Kettner Blvd- 2 yr ext to W. N. Stafford Estate & E. F. Scribner, Lessee, to operate cabinet shop at 3873 Calif. St; Condl. Case 502 5-21-56