Middletown Block 201
MIDDLETOWN BLOCK 201.tif MIDDLEI'OWN BLOCK 201 Lots 3 & 4- Condl. Permit to Alfred Chapman to operate machine shop at 1926 Moore,St. Res. 884 3-29-45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Helen L. Weston to constr 16-unit apt obs 4' setback on S.D. ~ve where 15' is req; NW corner Noell & S.D. Ave; R-4; Condl.. Case 1121 4-15-57------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- Lots 7 & 8- E. S. Hope & Co. Inc. to constr 1-story office bldg obs O' setback on S.D. Ave (15' req) & O' side yd on NW side (4' req) at S.D. Ave betw Noell & Estudillo,/st, Zone R-4. Case Nos. 3272 & 3273 4-15-6o, Cond: Proposed development be constr per plans dated 3-2-61 3-7-61 Lots 4, & 7-9- Permit to Southwest Office Furniture Co. (Lots 4 & 9) & N,P. Maurer (Lots 7 & 8) bnaom owners & Southwest Office Furniture Co, (Lots 7 & 8) lessee to const 50 x 73' addn to exist non-conforming furniture store resulting in parking ratio of l to 4.5 where a parking ratio of 3 to l is req; to eliminate req 10' landscape strip around perimeter of property, other than ways of ingress & egress, but to furnish landscaping on public property as shown on plans (See C-1121, C-3272 & C-3273) at 1919 San Diego Ave. betw Noell St. & Estudillo St., Zone R-4 & M-1 (Proposed C-lA) condl. L_,3 7.::,- c-7985 1-6-67----. ~-------------- ~.k-3: /Y.----------------------------------------